
Lego Mindstorms NXT Synchro Drive

I have been working on creating a new Synchro Drive for the turntable that comes with the Lego Mindstorms NXT kit. I have the basics worked out but I need to refine it a bit so I de-constructed it on video so I can start over.

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1 Comment

  1. Bryson Orr March 17, 2007

    Your the first person I’ve seen to have constructed a synchro drive with the NXT. My lego club built one in December with four wheels. I am currently documenting the project and will have images and descriptions up this week on our website.
    We got the synchro drive to work pretty well and mounted a gun on top of it that shoots zamor balls. We wanted to be able to seek other robots using sound sensors and ‘hunt’ them down. We wrote a complex program that works, except our own motor noise is higher than the maximum calibration for the sound sensors.

    Like I said I should have all the documentation up this week, and I’d love to have your comments on the project.

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