
Somatic, A Summerboard Theme For The iTouch and iPhone

I created a Summerboard theme around David Lanham’s free Somatic Icon Set available at the Iconfactory. The Somatic Summerboard Theme can be downloaded and used on your iPod Touch or iPhone. There are 93 application icons in the theme plus 73 extra icons and 5 wallpapers:

Somatic Summerboard Theme for iPhone and iTouch

Somatic Summerboard Theme for iPhone and iPod Touch
Somatic Summerboard Theme
Somatic Summerboard Theme for iPod Touch and iPhone

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  1. Fuji Sartono November 12, 2007

    You got some GREAT iPhone Summerboard themes man! You should publish it through Installer.App

    Yours is a few of the best I’ve ever seen.

  2. Sean November 13, 2007

    How are you suppose to get these themes on your phone? They are not available through the apptap installer on the the iphone. Why doesn’t the author upload them to one of the sources available through installer? Make life easier for all us non programers. And make the theme more available. Because the themes on your site, are by far, the BEST themes I have ever seen for the iphone. David Lanham is one of my favorite designers and I would be so happy if I could have his icons on my phone like I do on my macs desktop.

  3. Rich December 8, 2007

    You can put the summerboard themes in ~/Library/Summerboard/Themes

  4. touchboi January 2, 2008

    i don’t get it. what is the step by step procedure on putting the themes in the itouch? will you please show me? i love your themes!

  5. Rich January 3, 2008


    You can use an SFTP client to connect to your iPod Touch and place the unziped theme files in:


  6. OhOhO+ January 10, 2008

    Wow!!! Very pretty.

  7. Rich January 11, 2008

    @OhOhO+: I do like this one.

  8. Leevi Graham January 23, 2008

    Love it!

    Just wondering if there is a matching phone icon for this set?

  9. chad July 14, 2008

    Dude, that theme is awesome. Nice job!

  10. Foesessedly December 18, 2009

    My PC worked slowly, many mistakes and buggs. Help me, please to fix buggs on my computer.
    My operation system is Windows7.

  11. momo August 31, 2010

    Very Nice! I thought it was a ANDROID phone theme..I was thinking “it would be great if itouch can have this”, and when I lookup for the title~ what a surprise! I got a question: do you have to jailbreak the itouch to use this? (in other words, does Apple allow itouch users to customize theme?) Thanks!

  12. Rebelord February 18, 2011

    Nice theme. I’m actually currently in the middle of making a very extensive version of a Somatic theme for the iPhone 4 with HD graphics that should be backwards capable with iPhone, and iPod that don’t support the high resolution graphics. I’ll probably post my results on my blog when I’m finished, but until then it’s still in the works. I’ve been in contact with David Lanham to make sure I have his approval when it’s all finished. But it will probably continue work on it after since there is a ever growing set of icons to support the theme.

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