
Build a 3D Printed Ukulele

I’ve recently been looking at building instruments using a 3D printer. I’ve been playing the guitar for over 40 years but most of the builds for 3D printed guitars seemed a little daunting as a place to start.

I found a couple of 3D printed ukuleles that looked like quicker one day builds. I finally settled on chuckbobuck’s soprano ukulele found on Thingiverse.

I built a few to get started and found that instead of the friction tuning pegs used for his design, I wanted geared tuners. I originally used a drill to widen the mount points for the geared tuners, but that weakened the mount points. Once I had decided on the size of the new holes, I modified the left and right ukulele halves with larger, reinforced mounting holes. I have liked the original design, download those STLS, and then I linked my modified parts.

The parts list and STLs are linked below.

Parts List:

Ukulele Tuning Pegs: or

Soprano Ukulele Strings:

M6 x 1MM Hex Lock Nuts:

M6 x 35MM Bolts:

#6 x 1/2″ Flat Head Wood Screw:

M6 x 75MM Bolt (Acts as a Truss):

Ukulele Strap:

Download the STLs:

Original design:

Modified for geared tuning pegs:

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  1. Leonardo April 7, 2020

    hi, the link with the modified stl for the body seems broken, can you please send me the stl?how big is the diameter for the pegs’ hole?
    Thank you very much,

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